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Letter: Moms for Liberty supports age-appropriate books for children

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This letter is in response to what was written by Bruce Braden in regard to book banning. Mr. Braden, check your facts! If anyone wants to ban books, it’s the woke people who are offended by everything. Moms for Liberty are striving to promote age-appropriate literature for children.

The new books that are being thrust upon them are sexual in content and certainly not appropriate. Really? You bring up “Huckleberry Finn” and “To Kill a Mockingbird.” Those books are being trashed by the “woke” people who find history offensive. The book list you cited is not one that is being objected to by Moms for Liberty and moms and dads, in general. Please, stop your lies, and if you are just misinformed, get your facts straight.

And you, Mr. Braden, are free to read any book you want — but there should be some oversight in a grade school library as well as a high school one.

We as parents send our children to school to be taught reading, writing and arithmetic. Leave the rest to the parents — they know best!

Marisa Franca Stewart, Carmel

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