Noblesville Band Boosters recalls raffle tickets


The Noblesville High School Band Boosters is recalling its Pot of Gold raffle tickets because of a printing error and is now offering exchanges or refunds.

The band boosters are a nonprofit group of Noblesville High School volunteer parents who raise funds in support of the high school’s band programs. The raffle is a major fundraiser organized each year.

“We regret the inconvenience this printing error caused,” said Amanda Sheets, Noblesville High School Band Booster president. “The new printer has worked with us to make sure tickets are printed and distributed correctly and the integrity of our raffle remains intact. We want to thank the community for their understanding, patience and continued support of NHS Band as we work to correct this unfortunate situation.” 

The band boosters said in a statement that while only a small number of tickets were misprinted, the error impacts the overall integrity of the raffle. The organization said that original tickets will no longer be used at the drawing and that newly designed and renumbered tickets have been printed.

Anyone who purchased a 2022 Pot of Black and Gold raffle ticket between July 1 and Aug. 18 is asked to not throw away their tickets, according to the raffle committee.

Individuals should bring their tickets in person to a booster booth location for new tickets or a refund. Locations can be found by visiting

In addition, officials said the new vendor has internal controls to ensure that each ticket holder has a chance to win a prize through a random drawing and that in-person and online options will be offered to exchange or refund sales for tickets previously purchased.

An online form at can also be filled out to claim new tickets.

The winning 2022 Pot of Black and Gold 50/50 raffle ticket will be drawn and announced live Oct. 5 on Facebook. The winning ticket number will be posted on the Noblesville Band website for 30 days after the drawing.

For more information or questions, contact the Noblesville Band Booster raffle committee by emailing [email protected].
