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Column: Top 5 reasons to hire an elder law attorney

CIC DOUGH 0917 Applegate law

Lisa Dillman, left, and Carol Applegate. (Submitted photo )

Commentary by Lisa Dillman

An elder law attorney must stay up to date with the ever-changing Indiana legislation in order to provide the best representation for their clients. Elder law considers key issues facing seniors, including housing, financial well-being, health and long-term care, maintaining autonomy and preserving their quality of life, all while protecting the resources they’ve worked their whole lives to obtain. These common issues aren’t typically major stressors other attorneys are experienced in handling.

Here are the top five reasons you might consider hiring an elder law attorney:

  1. An elder law attorney focuses their entire practice on serving the needs of seniors.
  2. An elder law attorney approaches a client’s legal problems holistically, taking into consideration health care costs for both short- and long-term care, while also emphasizing quality of life.
  3. An elder law attorney teams up with the client’s team of resources, such as their financial advisors and physicians, to brainstorm solutions, ensuring the plan comes together when it needs to.
  4. An elder law attorney understands the physical and mental difficulties that come with aging and makes appropriate accommodations, if needed.
  5. An elder law attorney can connect the client with community resources, providing them with the tools they need to plan for the future.

At Applegate & Dillman Elder Law, we have more than 30 years of experience in serving the seniors in our community. We offer free consultations at any one of our three offices (Indianapolis, Carmel, Zionsville) or virtually via Zoom or telephone. These consultations allow perspective clients to ask questions and see if our team would be a good fit for their specific situation. Don’t delay! Begin your comprehensive plan for aging today by calling our offices at 317-492-9569.

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