A new book by Andrea Butcher, host of the podcast “Being at Work” and CEO of Carmel-based HRD, a leadership development company, shares lessons from pivotal moments in the careers of business leaders.
“The Power in the Pivot: Leadership Lessons from Being [at Work]to Take you from Chaos to Clarity” was released Oct. 25 by Red Thread Publishing.
“The book is a compilation of the stories from the first year of the leadership podcast, ‘Being [at Work].’ As the host (and book author), I asked each guest (52 executives) to tell me about a pivotal moment in their life that taught them a lot about their leadership,” Butcher said. “As I reflected on the stories, I saw three themes for leading through chaos that I knew would be helpful to anyone leading through challenge or transition.”
Butcher said she hopes the book will inspire leaders to avoid feeling overwhelmed when facing obstacles.
“The themes in this book encourage leaders to press into the challenging situations in their lives recognize their own strength and to use the relationships in their lives. These are the key ingredients to finding power in the pivot,” Butcher said.
Writing the book was a 2 1/2-year process with many challenges along the way.
“I fit it into my schedule because it was important to me. I did a couple of writing retreats in which I worked on big sections of content, and then I would spend a few weekend days here and there, and evenings filling in sections until it got to a place I felt good about,” Butcher said. “I never felt like it was ‘ready,’ and finally a trusted colleague encouraged me to just get it out there.”
Butcher wants readers to “recognize the power they have in moments of chaos.”
“I want readers to shift their thoughts beyond the muck of the current situation to imagine the possibilities of what could be,” she said. “I want readers to connect with the people in their lives who are most important to them for support and strength.”
“The Power in the Pivot: Leadership Lessons from Being [at Work]to Take you from Chaos to Clarity” is available through Barnes & Noble and Amazon for Kindle and in hardback.