Current Publishing

Column: More regulation won’t increase housing supply

AA DOUGH 1213 Rent Control Column Petersen


Commentary by Lynne Petersen

Hoosiers are generally a pragmatic lot. We let the East and West coasts try the new ideas and policies first. We would rather see how long the fad lasts before spending our time and money to join the crowd.

All states, including Indiana, are facing a “perfect storm” of increased costs for building new apartment units to meet demand. Supply chain problems, the cost of materials and skilled labor, and well-intentioned regulatory hurdles that exacerbate the primary issue, have combined to create severe apartment supply shortages.

Hoosiers who fall below 80 percent of the area median income ($45,950 for individuals and $65,600 for a family of four) have access to federal programs that make finding an affordable apartment within reach. That is called “subsidized housing.” Cities are struggling, however, to increase the supply of “workforce housing” for those families who do not qualify for any federal housing programs. True to form, many local governments have rushed to “solve” the problem by passing “rent control” ordinances, which essentially prohibit landlords from raising rents by more than 3 percent in any given year. Sounds good, doesn’t it? Well, the medicine is killing the patient.

Misguided policymakers (none in Indiana) over the past two years have discovered what Hoosier common sense already tells us: More regulation of housing will not increase its supply. After passing onerous referenda or overreaching laws, the market has taught policymakers, in many cases, to drastically scale back policies. In locales from Oregon to Connecticut to Florida, city councils have changed course and are returning to market-based incentives for increasing the supply of rental units. They are scaling back regulations and instead collaborating with apartment developers to identify areas where more housing is needed, and then reducing red tape to spur delivering new units to the middle-income earners clamoring for more housing options.

Despite the increase in the number of multifamily developments in Hamilton County, the occupancy has remained strong, demonstrating the increased desire for multifamily housing in a growing area. Allowing more development will increase competition and keep rents affordable.

A recent national survey of apartment developers by the National Multifamily Housing Council concluded that 87.5 percent of developers steer clear of cities with rent control ordinances when planning new projects. The only sure way to hold down rents charged for rental units is to increase the supply of the product.

There is an immediate need for an estimated 3.8 million new rental units nationwide, and passing heavy-handed regulations, including rent control, is not a solution. The Indiana Apartment Association looks forward to working with city councils and legislators to encourage the expansion of the rental housing supply.

Together, we can make sure the “prescription” actually cures the illness.

Lynne Petersen is a Carmel resident and president of the Indiana Apartment Association.

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