Current Publishing

Retired Boone County surveyor recognized

Kenneth Hedge Headshot


Following his retirement, longtime Boone County Surveyor Kenneth Hedge is being honored by the Boone County Board of Commissioners for his years of service to the county.

“His work affected everything from farm yields to roads and bridges. Everything he touched has made an impact on the county,” county commissioner Tom Santelli stated. “He is the right kind of elected official, always putting our citizens ahead of himself. He will be deeply missed.”

Hedge graduated from Purdue University and soon after began working for the Boone County Soil and Water Conservation District. He worked three years for the BCSWCD before becoming Boone County Surveyor in 1990.

During his time as county surveyor, Hedge served as an ex-officio member of the Boone County Drainage Board and as a member of the Boone County Area Plan Commission, where he served for multiple years as its president.

Hedge was appointed to the Indiana State Water Pollution Control Board by former Gov. Mitch Daniels in 2006 and served in the role until 2012.

The Indiana Association of County Surveyors nominated Hedge for Outstanding Surveyor of the Year in 2013. In 2015, he was appointed president of the Indiana Society of Professional Land Surveyors, and in 2019 he received the President’s Award from the Indiana Association of County Surveyors. Hedge is the central vice chair for the ISPLS.

A lifelong resident of Boone County, Hedge was reared on his family farm and was an active partner in the farming operation with his father from early childhood, a heritage he carries on with his own children.

An engraved cornerstone commemorates Kenneth Hedge’s 32 years of service. (Photo courtesy of the Boone County Board of Commissioners)

The Boone County Commissioners commend Hedge for his decades of service to the county and will honor him with an original Boone County surveyor’s cornerstone marker from the 1800s. The first cornerstones were laid in the late 1790s for use in property division. The cornerstone is engraved with Hedge’s name and honors his 32 years of service.

“The surveyor is one of the most important positions in the county, and Kenny Hedge has brought so much to our community through his dedicated work,” Santelli stated.

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