Current Publishing

Sampson launches bid for Zionsville Town Council seat

Sarah E. Sampson, a stay-at-home mom who has lived in Zionsville for 17 years, announced Feb. 2 that she is running for the District 4 seat on the Zionsville Town Council in this year’s municipal election.

Sampson is vying for the Republican nomination with Heather Lusk and Nicholas Plopper in the May 2 primary. Incumbent Republican Joe Culp is not seeking reelection.


Sampson said she is running because she wants to provide input, oversight and fact-based governance to the town of Zionsville’s affairs and interests.

“I have seen Zionsville change quite a bit, almost tripling the population since we returned to the area,” Sampson said. “I’m passionate about local government and political issues that affect our families and businesses. While I’ve been a committed volunteer in our schools, church and many local civic organizations, my recent candidacy for the school board piqued my interest in using my talents to support our town formally.”

As a former auditor and CPA for Deloitte and Arthur Anderson audit and consulting firms, and a former auditor of the Big-4 Rail Trail, Sampson said she has a unique skill set that blends attention to detail with a perspective of fiscal responsibility and financial management.

“I’ll bring my combined experiences as an auditor, community volunteer and mother to the council to help guide decisions that reflect the opinions of my constituents,” she said. “I will work to maintain Zionsville’s distinct charm and character and help our town grow intelligently to support its economic, commercial and residential foundation.”

Sampson is president of Zionsville Community School’s PTO and has volunteered with Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, Tri Kappa and Habitat for Humanity. She and her husband, Joe Sampson, have been married for more than 30 years and have 10 children.

“I see no better way to give back to our great community than by serving as a Zionsville Town Council member. I will bring a balance of perspectives to my role,” Sampson said. “While I am fiscally conservative and pragmatic on the economic impact to our town, I’m willing to be a conduit for the values of the people I represent in District 4 and will listen to all perspectives to help form my decisions.”

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