Current Publishing

Letter: Room for all types of art in Carmel

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As a member of the Carmel Public Advisory Arts Committee, I thought the Current’s article about some members voicing their opinion that we have reached the saturation point on the Seward Johnson sculptures was a bit one sided.

While I was quoted correctly, I also said that we already have three types of public art: The Seward Johnson group that draws people and families in to take pictures with them, the vintage automobile sculptures along 96th Street that are pure economic development in that corridor and then some quite original pieces.

If some members and their friends don’t really like them because they are “common,” I think far more others smile when they see them. What about Norman Rockwell? Too common for Carmel?

What is art is in the eye of the beholder and we have room for all types in Carmel.

Luci Snyder, Carmel

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