Current Publishing

Opinion: Savoring only the tasty parts

Terry Anker

Terry Anker

Apples and pears are tasty. The latter can be tricky to store because they don’t hold up as long at home on the counter. But we are told that both are good for our bodies. In fact, didn’t someone famous once say something about eating an apple a day? Likewise, oranges hit the spot. They hydrate as well as come inside of their own convenient carrying case. We can peel one open just about anywhere. And short of the occasional spray that might get us, there is little mess. There is no need for water to clean or knife to cut. Even the skin is organic and will quickly return to the earth without further processing.

Still for reasons unknown to most, some among us don’t partake of the remarkable fruits. They turn their noses and refuse them in nearly every form. Maybe they claim a medical reason, allergy or other sensitivity. Maybe they don’t find an adequate selection at an affordable price and are forced to make other choices despite their preference for the fruit. Either reason can be measured and determined to some degree of scientific assurance. But what if they simply don’t like them? Is it possible that these poor, uneducated, knuckle-draggers simply disagree with well-known and accepted fact? Don’t they see the benefits that we know are there? Didn’t they learn in third grade about the food pyramid and “keeping the doctor away?” Should we regulate and force the resistors to consume? We would all reap the benefit of a healthier society. Besides, it is upsetting to imagine that they are eating bananas and pineapples. Oh, my.

Life is a fruit salad and some of us pick out the parts we don’t like. So what? If others skip the pineapple, doesn’t it leave more for us?

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