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Letter: Business owners support Burgess

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As Zionsville residents and Main Street business owners for more than 20 years, we are acutely invested in our town. We can think of no one more invested in Zionsville and its success than Jane Burgess. We love this town, and it has been painful to watch what has happened between our current mayor and the town council these past three years. Our bond rating has dropped, many high-level staff have resigned, and public trust has been lost.

We know Jane will bring our town back together to thrive again with collaboration, civility,

transparency and positivity. It is who she is. She has brought our residents together to work

towards a common goal for the past 20 years! Jane Burgess will restore the public’s trust and get our financial house in order. She will rebuild the culture at Town Hall, and we will

again see our mayor and town council working together in a productive fashion.

Let’s move forward with the only choice for mayor of Zionsville — Jane Burgess!

Kent and Liz Esra, Zionsville, owners of Cobblestone

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