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Soprano embraces new role in ‘The Magic Flute’

Soprano Anne Fuchs is quite familiar with “The Magic Flute.”

“I used to sing the role of Papagena in Germany in this opera, so it’s very near and heart to my heart,” Fuchs said. “In the German opera system, you sort of perform a role for a year or two. You’ll just do it again and again and again. So, it’s one of those operas that I know inside and out and deeply, deeply love.”


The Indianapolis resident will play the role of the First Lady in Indianapolis Opera’s production of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s “The Magic Flute” May 5-7 at The Toby Theater at Newfields in Indianapolis.

This is Fuchs’ first performance on the main stage with Indianapolis Opera. She had performed in outreach concerts in the community with the company.

Fuchs, 37, lived in Germany for 2 1/2 years, leaving in 2015.

“This was my first role in Germany, and I had to do all the dialogue within the first two weeks of setting foot there,” she said. “It’s kind of a crazy story. The manager of a theater asked, ‘Do you know the role of Papagena?’ I said, ‘Yes.’ She said, ‘Great, you go on in two days.’ The only problem was I didn’t know the role. I just knew it was my chance. So, I drove myself crazy over the next 48 hours just learning that role, which is kind of a hard thing to do. I don’t know if Anne in her 30s could now pull that off, but in my 20s I could. I got it together and had to also learn the German dialogue and speak it convincingly and with a good German accent.”

The First Lady is one of the three ladies in service of the evil Queen of the Night.

“This opera is just so incredible because it’s basically about this duality of good and evil,” Fuchs said. “The bad guys seem like good guys, and then the good guys seem like bad guys. It’s just confusing knowing which is which.”

Fuchs also played the role of Pamina in a production in the U.S.

“She is a delightful character as well,” Fuchs said. “She’s pure of heart.”

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