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Current Q&A: Getting to know Kwan Hui

CIC Com 0605 Kwan Hui 1

Kwan Hui pauses near one of the many tree peonies in his Carmel garden. (Photo by Ann Marie Shambaugh)

Kwan Hui of Carmel is an avid gardener and volunteer with several local organizations. 

What do you love most about gardening? 

Enjoying the outcome of my hard work, which is a natural beauty. Also great exercise keeping me physically and mentally in good condition. 

What is the most difficult plant you’ve ever grown? 

Rhododendron for outdoors, and orchids for indoor.

What is your favorite plant to grow? 

Oriental Tree Peony – called Mu Dan in Chinese, and Botan in Japanese.

What is your best habit?

Meeting people

What is your dream vacation? 

Train trips across many countries, US, Canada, Europe, Russia, etc.

What food do you most dislike?

Raw beef served in a bowl of fresh beef blood.

Do you have a hidden talent?

I have not discovered that yet. But I have a wide spectrum of art appreciation capacity, I think, in gardening, landscaping, music, paintings, sculptures, antiques, performing arts, etc. I have my own Chinese performing art team.

Is there a book that you recommend to everyone?

I am not a good reader; if there is one book, probably the New Testament.

What is your favorite meal in town?

I love seafood especially served in Asian cuisine.


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