Current Publishing

Carmel High School junior trades tennis racket for computer

Tennis was originally Carmel High School junior Nick Stitle’s main passion.

“But I was forced to take a few months off after getting stress fractures in both feet right before the start of my sophomore season,” Stitle said. “I was subsequently left with a lot of free time as my feet healed, and I decided to put a lot of that time toward writing. Even after my injuries were healed, I stuck to writing, rather than tennis, and I haven’t looked back since.”

‘Stormless’ by Nick Stitle. (Photo courtesy of Nick Stitle)

Stitle recently released “Stormless,” a science-fiction/fantasy novel. He began writing the book in the fall of 2021, finishing the first draft in May 2022. He spent the next 10 months editing and finally finished the process in March.

“This was definitely an idea that was bouncing around my head for a while,” Stitle said. “I wrote many stories throughout my middle school years, and ‘Stormless’ is a sort of reincarnation of some aspects of those stories. I was also inspired a lot by the books I’ve read throughout my life, as well as the movies and shows that I’ve watched.”

Stitle said he is a huge fan of sci-fi and fantasy.

“Both of these genres allow the writer’s imagination to really shine through, and I think that fantasy simply gives the writer a much greater degree of freedom than any other genre when it comes to crafting a story,” he said. “Naturally, I am very passionate about writing as well. Books offer a way for everyone to tell their story, and they aren’t limited by budgets in the same ways that movies and TV shows are. I am a firm believer that books will be around forever, and that regardless of advances in entertainment, people will always enjoy a good read.”


Stitle said the series’ second book, “The Fire King,” is nearly finished.

“I know for certain that book two will be greater in scope,” Stitle said. “Most of the continent that this story takes place on will be explored in book two, and the action will be ramped up considerably. Plot twists will continue to be a strength of the series, but, of course, the characters and their relationships will remain the primary focus of the book.”

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