Current Publishing

Input sought for Lawrence charging stations

CIG COM EVehicleSurvey 062023

The City of Lawrence Redevelopment Commission is looking into where electric vehicle charging stations should be located within the city. (Photo courtesy of the City of Lawrence)

The City of Lawrence Redevelopment Commission is looking for public input regarding electric vehicle charging stations in the city.

According to the city’s website, electric vehicles are on the rise in Indiana.

“In 2021, there were 10,360 new electric vehicles registered across the state, a nearly 50 percent increase over 2020 registrations,” the announcement states. “As electric vehicles and other alternative fuel vehicles continue to gain a foothold in the market, federal, state and local governments are exploring ways to support these technologies and increase their viability for everyday travel. From public electric vehicle charging stations to permitting and incentives, local governments have an important role to play in this process.”

Earlier this spring, the City of Lawrence Redevelopment Commission kicked off a planning process to identify potential electric vehicle charging station locations, to look into the logistics and design and to consider investments in electric vehicle infrastructure to meet current and future demands.

“The planning process will be informed by demographic and land use forecasts, resident and stakeholder input and consumer trends and expectations,” the announcement states. “As the City of Lawrence and its project team begin conducting their analysis and meeting with key stakeholders, we want to hear from people who live, work and play in the city. Your input is critical to our understanding of the needs, preferences and aspirations of the Lawrence community regarding electric vehicles and supporting infrastructure.”

Two surveys are available for people to fill out. One is for residents and visitors, and the second is for businesses and community organizations. Links to both can be found at

The study is funded through a grant from the Indianapolis Metropolitan Organization, with matching funds from the City of Lawrence Redevelopment Commission. The total anticipated cost is $90,000.

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