Current Publishing

Carmel Clay Historical Society museum construction under way


City of Carmel officials and join Carmel Clay Historical Society representatives for the groundbreaking. (Photo by Edward Redd)


A museum dedicated to Carmel history is projected to open in late 2024.

City of Carmel officials and Carmel Clay Historical Society representatives broke ground June 14 on the building just south of the Monon Depot in Midtown Carmel. The museum will offer a variety of services, exhibits and activities for the public.

CCHS Executive Director Debbie Gangstad said plans for the museum have been in the works for decades. The $6 million project received funding from Clay Township and the City of Carmel that have helped push those plans into motion.

Clay Township board member Matt Snyder, who is running for an at-large seat on the Carmel City Council, said he was pleased with the collaboration to make the project possible.

“I’m excited to see this go up,” Snyder said. “I’m more excited to be here at the ribbon cutting here in a year or so.”

The museum will have three levels and will house information on approximately 200 years of the city’s history. It will also include a gift shop and rooftop garden.

“We want this to be driven by what the community wants,” Gangstad said.

Gangstad said the museum will have dynamic and interactive experiences, including a children’s area.

“We’re going to replicate some of the older buildings in our town,” Gangstad said, “Kids can play like they’re a banker or a baker at the Dairy Queen.”

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