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Gardens of Zionsville tour still blooms


The Rezek’s garden features a fire pit among the blooms of flowers. (Photo by Jessica Todd)


The Gardens of Zionsville Tour was held June 24 and featured eight private gardens.

All proceeds from the event went to benefit the nonprofit SullivanMunce Cultural Center in Zionsville.

While the garden tour was going on, guests also toured the flora and fauna exhibit in the art center and bid on potted planters donated by local nurseries and gardeners. 

Lisa and Bernie Paul’s garden at 285 Spring Dr. showcased an array of colors and included ash trees and hostas.

Lisa Paul said she has been gardening for more than three decades. Her favorite plant is the hellebores, known as the Lenten Rose. 

Marsha Webster’s garden at 575 West Popular contained many plants, including creeping jenny, variegated hostas, coleus and bright green heucheras. 

Webster took up gardening when the COVID-19 pandemic began and enjoys oak leaf, limelight hydrangeas and hostas. She refers to her garden as a “window on the world.”

Jill and Rich Rezek have lived at their corner lot at 90 N. 5th St. for 11 years. Their garden is full of plants that provide for birds, bees and butterflies.

Across the street, Susan and Brett Conaway have been working on their garden for 15 years. The space includes a rain garden, fire pit and sitting wall. 

The Conaways said their garden is full of life in every season in all stages, including native bees, butterflies, moths, insects and birds. 

Janet and Mervyn Cohen’s garden at 520 W. Cedar St. served as a cooling station with water and lemonade during the event. The couple’s English garden is full of beds of blooms and containers of flowers of all textures and colors. Janet said the garden is “lovely but not quite perfect.” 

Kayley and Case Hooper’s garden at 2720 S. 875 E. is dubbed the “Big Rock Ranch.” The Hoopers have lived in their house for five years, and their garden includes plants, a swimming pool, pigs and a fire pit.

The Hoopers credit their love of gardening to their mothers and state that their garden brings them back to their childhoods. Their space has many blooms in multiple colors and boulders of all shapes and sizes. 

Ann and Ed Anderson have a garden at 5885 Solomon Harmon Way with a sign that welcomes neighbors to enjoy the herbs growing near the sidewalk.  Ann has been gardening since she was a child, and their garden is full of unusual and native plants, including the seven-sons flower and a black and blue sage.

The last garden of the tour, at 6485 E. 650 S., belongs to Candace Buckmaster. She has several gardens with names like Emerald City, Paradise and Sunrise. Her property has been in the family since the 1800s, and she said each garden has a special touch and sentimental value. 

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