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Column: Beat the heat with lighter fare


Commentary by Mark LaFay

It appears the summer heat and humidity have finally found us. I normally like to avoid the heat and humidity, unless there is a frosty beverage in my hand and some water nearby. But even in the absence of such vacation-esque accommodations, I still love to be outside as much as possible.

The higher heat and humidity do cause some behavior modification in me, if only in what, and how much, I eat. Maybe you’re like me and you gravitate toward the lighter fare in the hot weather. We tend to consume more fresh fruit and vegetables in the weather, and meals can often look more like party grazing than a proper meal.

You don’t have to eat like a rabbit to eat lighter and fresher in the warm weather. There are several different fruit, vegetable, meat and cheese combos that we like to assemble for a filling but lighter approach to dinner inside and outside, such as:

Prosciutto and cantaloupe: Pork and melons are two things you can find plenty of in Indiana. This combo is, however, very Italian in origin. Once in Italy, we enjoyed fresh, ripe cantaloupe wrapped in prosciutto, with a little high-quality olive oil drizzled over the top. Sweet and savory, but overall, somewhat mild in flavor and not heavy in the belly. Try LaQuercia Acorn Prosciutto.

Sharp Vermont cheddar and apple slices: I’m sure you’ve heard of apple pie with cheddar cheese slices, right? If not, try crisp Granny Smith apples and thin slices of Vermont cheddar cheese. The sharp and savory nature of the cheddar pairs nicely with the tart and sweet apple. The difference in texture is nice as well — crunchy and creamy. Try Cabot Sharp Cheddar.

Grapes and brie cheese: Another classic light snack is grapes and brie. The sweet nature of the grapes goes wonderfully with the brie, which can be, at times, a little sharp with a bitter edge. Try this with Point Reyes Quinta, Tulip Tree Creamery Trillium or an imported triple-cream cheese from France.

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