Current Publishing

Stage Door Theatre features 4th Wall Players

ND 4WALL PLAYERS 0718 pic 1

The 4th Wall Players will present “The Importance of Being Earnest.” (Photo courtesy of Josh Gibson)

Josh Gibson and Alan Keith have more in common than their hometown.

A mutual passion for theater inspired Gibson and Keith, 2006 and 2004 graduates of Kokomo High School, respectively, to found the 4th Wall Players, a core group of entertainers bringing the arts to a broader audience.

Case in point being later this month.

The 4th Wall Players will perform Oscar Wilde’s “The Importance of Being Earnest” the weekends of July 21-23 and July 28-30 at the recently revamped Stage Door Theatre, 5235 Bonna Ave., Indianapolis.

The play, first performed in 1895 in London, is, by its name, a trivial comedy for serious people.

Gibson is directing the show, while his wife, Katherine Gibson, is assistant director. The couple lives in the Lawrence area, as does Keith.

The cast of characters for the upcoming show are Brent Williamson as Jack Worthing; Garrett Rowe (Algernon Moncrieff); Silvia Seidle (Gwendolen Fairfax); Lizzie Schultz (Cecily Cardew); Kelly Melcho (Lady Bracknell); Leah Hodson (Miss Prism); Daniel Clymer (Reverend Chasuble); and Kelly McKinney as two characters (Lane/Merriman). Schultz is a Noblesville resident.

“We thought, ‘Why not do adaptations of classic literature that are not Shakespeare?’” Josh Gibson said. “We figured Shakespeare is covered by a lot of other theatrical groups. It’s very funny. It’s very fast-paced. It’s still relevant today because Oscar Wilde liked to point out class disparities — how the upper-class views things as opposed to the working class.”

In the dozen years that have ensued since 4th Wall made its debut, a gradual branching-out process has taken place.

“It’s kind of a fluid sort of thing, but right now we have seven of us who help make decisions and put events together,” Josh Gibson said. “(Alan and I) were brought up by the same teacher, so when we moved to Indy, we wanted to have an acting troupe. It’s kind of evolved over the years into an entertainment company because we got into so many facets of storytelling.”

To purchase tickets for “The Importance of Being Earnest,” visit

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