Current Publishing

Community garden allows visitors to harvest, learn about growing food

CiW 0822 Biz Wandering Peacock 2

From left, Wandering Peacock owner Erin O’Rear, WGT master gardener Pam TerBush and WGT board member Shelly Brown. (Photo by Edward Redd)

The Wandering Peacock, a pottery studio in Westfield, will soon offer opportunities for the community to learn agricultural skills to apply at home.

Erin O’Rear, owner of the Wandering Peacock, and gardeners from the nonprofit Westfield Green Together have cultivated a garden they’ve named the Sharing Garden in the backyard of the Wandering Peacock at 227 Jersey St. in Westfield. Anyone can harvest from the garden and receive lessons about growing food.

O’Rear, who lives near Fishers, provided the land for the garden. She has taught pottery at the Wandering Peacock since 2017. She had always wanted a community garden in downtown Westfield.

O’Rear said the garden was first planted in April of 2022 through a collaboration with Westfield Green Together, a nonprofit sustainable living organization.

“Our giving garden offers our Westfield community the ability to learn and foster skills for the future,” O’Rear said.

The Sharing Garden is in the backyard of the Wandering Peacock pottery studio. (Photo by Edward Redd)

Anyone can pick produce from the garden at any hour. It grows a variety of fruits and vegetables that vary from season to season. Instead of a monetary exchange, O’Rear asks those who collect from the garden to take time to learn about the process behind growing food.

Westfield Green Together board member Shelly Brown said volunteer opportunities are available at the Sharing Garden each Sunday at 5 p.m.

Brown said next year, the Sharing Garden will offer official classes once the garden is more developed.

An open house will be hosted at the Sharing Garden at 5:30 p.m.  Aug. 27. Tours of the garden will be given where they will be able to pick produce to take home and learn about the garden and volunteer opportunities.

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