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Noblesville beauty aesthetics business opens downtown

Beauty and Grace Aesthetics

Rosylnn DIxon, Amy Julian-Resner, Sara Glenn and Cara Ward at the new Beauty and Grace Aesthetics location in Noblesville. (Photo by Elissa Maudlin)

When Amy Julian-Resner began working in aesthetics, she thought she was simply making people look pretty. Now, as a woman in her 40s and a beauty aesthetics business owner, she said it’s about making people feel better.

Her business, Beauty and Grace Aesthetics, had a ribbon-cutting ceremony Aug. 17 in downtown Noblesville at 93 S. 9th Street. The business offers facial injections, including wrinkle reducers like Botox and facial fillers, along with wellness management, facials, chemical peels and micro needling. It will soon offer IV hydration.

Julian-Resner said her business’ motto is, “Beauty refreshed, confidence redefined.”

“Through that process of that external beauty, then we are in turn building all the internal confidence, which is honestly the most rewarding part of our job,” Julian-Resner said.

The business offers facial injections and health coaching, including providing a diabetic drug that suppresses hunger and regulates insulin. She follows up with clients each week via email and sees them once a month for an InBody Scan, she said.

Cara Ward, who will work part time, will soon start offering IV hydration, where vitamins, minerals and sometimes medicine enter the body through an IV. Ward said clients can buy a “cocktail” for their IV, including types to replenish vitamins and minerals, ease migraine pain and assist with recovery from athletic training.

“It’s been a fun process (figuring out the IV hydration bar) for me,” Ward said. “It’s very different from what I’ve always done in nursing, but at the same time, there’s so many skills that are transferable.”

Julian-Resner eventually wants to provide more laser offerings.

Julian-Resner worked for facial plastic surgeons in the past. When she started her own practice, she said she wanted to provide more personalized relationships with clients.

Beauty and Grace Aesthetics is open Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Thursday from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.

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