Current Publishing

Making an impact: Noblesville resident receives award from women’s network for community service

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Julia Kozicki speaks at the Women in Noblesville Chamber of Commerce event. (Photo courtesy of the Noblesville Chamber of Commerce)

Involvement in community organizations isn’t new to Julia Kozicki. She is involved in six, which is part of the reason she was presented the Noblesville Chamber of Commerce’s 2023 Women of Impact Award during an Aug. 23 ceremony.

An attorney and Noblesville resident, Kozicki received the award at the annual Women in Noblesville luncheon at Mustard Seed Garden in Noblesville.

“I am just honored and humbled,” Kozicki said. “To think others appreciate and value the work I’ve been doing is just humbling.”

Kozicki was a Noblesville Schools board member from 2006 to 2014. She also previously served as Region 5 director of the Indiana School Board Association.

Presently, Kozicki is the district governor for the Lions Club; is a Noblesville Schools Education Foundation board member; is an Indiana Bar Association Board member; and is a Conner Prairie board member. She works as an attorney at Church Church Hittle + Antrim.

“Julia has been a longtime champion for Noblesville,” Church Church Hittle + Antrim colleague Rachel Woloshin stated. “Year after year, Julia gives so much of her time and talent to this community. She is passionate about preserving its historical heritage and maintaining a quality of life for its residents. Her stewardship, service, leadership and compassion have undoubtedly made a positive impact on Noblesville.”

Kozicki said her goal is to “leave (a situation) better than I found it.” Through her professional and community work, she said she has made connections with places and people in Noblesville. The connections, she said, can improve people’s circle of influence and make their lives better.

A highlight of her career, she said, was serving on the Noblesville Schools board, where she wanted to give back to the community and serve.

Tammy Murray, a member of the Women in Noblesville committee that selected Kozicki for the award, said Kozicki’s resume is “impressive, to say the least,” and added jokingly that she is unsure when Kozicki sleeps.

“It’s easy to see that she’s a leader that’s making a big impact in the community,” Murray said.

Murray said the Women in Noblesville committee tries to recognize people from different sectors. Women in Noblesville and Chamber of Commerce officials said the award “(celebrates) the extraordinary excellence of women contributing to the Noblesville community.”

Kathy Young, another committee member, said women are nominated by residents, and a subcommittee chooses the winner.

“It’s just so inspiring to see all of the nominations that come in, it gets hard to choose,” Young said. “We talked about, ‘Do we add some other categories or whatever?’ Because there are so many women doing such amazing things out there.”

Young said Kozicki stood out because of her involvement in different areas, which Young said requires dedication, commitment and a heart for leadership and service.

“Community organizations, whether it’s the Lions or Tri Kappa or the chamber of commerce or any number of organizations in our community, those are the things that build connections, that make our community strong,” Kozicki said. “And in a world where it is so easy to be divided and there are people actively encouraging us to be divided, it is the community organizations that bring us back together, that make us stronger, that make our community stronger.”

Julia Kozicki, left, attends the Women in Noblesville luncheon with other members. (Photo courtesy of the Noblesville Chamber of Commerce)

Multifaceted mission

Women in Noblesville committee member Kathy Young said the organization’s mission is to connect women, foster relationships and educate. A luncheon has always been part of its programming, but specifically the leadership luncheon started three years ago. This is the second year Women in Noblesville has presented the Women of Impact award.

At this year’s leadership luncheon, 145 people attended.

In the past, the committee conducted events such as Wine and Wisdom, a half-day conference and a book club. Women in Noblesville also does monthly coffee networking.

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