Current Publishing

Carmel High School student launches science fair

CIC COM 0912 Lee Science Fair 1

Carmel High School student Rebecca Lee launched the Eco-Connections Science Fair Aug. 19 at the Carmel Clay Public Library. (Photo by Edward Redd)

A Carmel High School student recently launched her first science fair, encouraging youth to explore environmental factors that affect health.

Rebecca Lee had her first Eco-Connections Science Fair Aug. 19 at the Carmel Clay Public Library. Participants ranging from grades K-12 gave presentations, explaining connections between health and environmental issues.

Lee is a Carmel resident who is passionate about climate change. She serves on the Carmel Climate Action Advisory Committee as a representative of the Carmel Mayor’s Youth Council. She has also presented at the John Hopkins Global Health Leaders Conference.

Clay Middle School student Dharini Selvakumar presents about human activities that affect the air and healthy alternatives. (Photo by Eward Redd)

Approximately 14 participants registered for the event. Lee had a presentation of her own, showing the consequences of plastic use and the importance of recycling.

“I’m really passionate about bringing more awareness about pollutants,” Lee said. “Recycling is really underrated, and people don’t do it enough.”

Lee wants to develop more environmental awareness programs at her school and possibly host more science fairs in the future.

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