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Create What You Crave series aims to connect, inspire

CIC COM 0926 Create What You Crave

From left, Iman Tucker, DJ and creator of Believe Brand Co.; filmmaker Justin Escue; Alyssa Baker, owner of Riot Media and Aura Self and Soul Care; and Anne O’Brien, founder of Create What You Crave; at the Sept. 7 inaugural event. (Photo by Edward Redd)

Looking to create a series of social gatherings for creatives, Anne O’Brien came up with the idea for Create What You Crave.

She had a soft launch for the event Sept. 7 at Kuaba Gallery, 404 W. Main St., in Carmel. Her goal is to give attendees the opportunity to talk about creative ideas and be inspired by each other. Artists will be featured during events and provide insight on various topics.

O’Brien, who works as a project manager in the department of community relations and economic development for the City of Carmel, presented the soft launch to gather feedback on themes and ideas for future Create What You Crave events.

“I want to hear what people are interested in,” O’Brien said. “I’m thinking about something that could be related to creativity and mental health, creativity and wellness.”

The inaugural event began with attendees mingling and talking about ideas before O’Brien led a discussion panel with local entrepreneurs Alyssa Baker, owner of Riot Media and Aura Self and Soul Care; Iman Tucker, DJ and creator of Believe Brand Co.; and Justin Escue, a local filmmaker.

The group discussed topics that included the importance of community and the meaning of creativity. Baker, a Carmel resident, said she had never seen anything like the event before in Carmel.

“I think Anne is definitely a trailblazer, creating a new type of pop-up series event,” Baker said. “Events like this can give people the confidence to go after their dream.”

Follow @create.whatyoucrave on Instagram to learn more, including information on future events.

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