Current Publishing

Little Libraries offer new way to share books

CIF COM LittleFreeLibraries 091923

Lou Ann Huey installed her fairy-themes Little Library at her home in the River Glen subdivision in Fishers. (Photo by Cassie King)

By Cassie King

Residential communities and neighborhoods throughout Fishers have seen some new additions — scaled-down, house-like structures on posts, filled with books. They are called little libraries, or Little Free Libraries when registered with the national organization.

In the River Glen subdivision in Fishers, Lou Ann Huey recently installed a little library on her property. The finished product was a group effort involving family members.

Huey said Gordon Boelke, her 89-year-old uncle of Ft. Myers, Fla., built the Little Free Library at her request after she noticed other Little Libraries around Fishers and decided she wanted one. When Boelke was finished building it, he passed it on to his daughter to decorate.

The result is a fairy house with hidden doorways, moss, greenery and fairies. Huey had it installed on her property close to the sidewalk for anyone in her neighborhood to enjoy. The fairy house library is filled with various titles, and anyone can add more books to share.

Huey’s little library is not registered with the Little Free Library organization, but it is available for all to use. Even if someone doesn’t want a book, people can stop by the library to admire it.

“Neighbors and fairies are welcome,” Huey said.

The River Glen Little Library fairy house can be visited on River Glen Drive just west of Allisonville Road in Fishers.

The Little Library at River Glen is one of many popping up around Fishers. Because each community is different, each library is different, reflecting its neighborhood. For example, because River Glen is primarily an adult community, Huey’s library is filled with books for adults. Other neighborhoods have more children and offer more selections for younger age groups.

Little libraries have no set hours of operation. They are accessible by foot, so those who don’t have the time or resources to go to the public library can still find a new book to read.

The idea is to take a book and leave one. If someone has books at home that others might enjoy, they can leave them in a little library to share with others.

To find a Little Free Library near you, check the national online registry, which lists every registered Little Free Library in the country. The website,, also provides information about creating and establishing your own Little Free Library.

The Little Free Library is a 501c3 nonprofit organization founded in 2009 in St. Paul, Minn. It is a national literacy initiative to make access to literature free and available to everyone.

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