Current Publishing

Renowned artist to lecture, lead Hamilton County Artists Association workshops in Noblesville


Max Ginsburg works on a painting (Photo courtesy of HCAA)

Max Ginsburg, a 92-year-old Realism painter and illustrator from Brooklyn, N.Y., will be in Noblesville early this month to teach a three-day workshop and give a lecture to the Hamilton County Artists Association.

Ginsburg will lead his workshop, “Painting from Life,” starting at 9 a.m. Oct. 3, 4 and 5 at the HCAA building at 195 S. Fifth St. His lecture will be Oct. 3 in The Lacey Arts Building, 848 Logan St. The cost for the workshop is $750. The lecture is free, although registration is recommended by visiting the HCAA’s website.

Each day of each workshop will focus on a different aspect of creating art.

Ginsburg’s lecture, among other topics, will include a slideshow to demonstrate forms and ideas he uses in his paintings.

Stephanie Spay, operations coordinator for the HCAA, said a member artist who painted in an open studio night said they knew an artist who was willing to lead a workshop at HCAA. Spay said she was pleasantly surprised to find out it was Ginsburg.

“I was overjoyed because one of my goals in life is to bring more awareness to fine art to Noblesville and Hamilton County, and I felt like this was an amazing opportunity,” Spay said.

Ginsburg said he looks forward to teaching and speaking to audiences that are interested in what he has to say and are interested in painting.

“A picture’s worth 1,000 words,” he said. “When I teach, for example, I also paint along with the students because I feel that you can’t talk a good painting.”

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