Current Publishing

QA: Meet the candidates running for the District 4 seat on the Westfield City Council

CIW COM 1010 QA District 4

From left, Alex Lowry and Patrick Tamm

Westfield City Council District 4 will have a new representative in 2024.

Republican Patrick Tamm, a small business owner and president/CEO of the Indiana Restaurant and Lodging Association, is facing Democrat Alexis Lowry, a nutrition coach and owner of Triple L Fit, LLC, in the Nov. 7 general election.

The candidates answered the following questions from Current.

What are your top three campaign issues?


Lowry: Ensuring Westfield offers good job opportunities, ample family activities and abundant outdoor spaces. Prioritizing a diversified tax base through increased commercial development. And addressing concerns about infrastructure amidst rapid growth, striving for balanced expansion while upholding adequate infrastructure.

Tamm: A unique and well thought out plan for Westfield should reflect a city that prides itself on a high quality of life. Westfield can lower taxes for residents through a diversified tax base that includes attracting businesses and unique organizations to our city. And a council that approaches each decision with a commonsense approach will make Westfield a successful city.

What are Westfield’s greatest strengths? Where do you see areas of improvement?

Lowry: Westfield boasts exceptional trails, parks, and a consistently improving school system. However, our tax revenue heavily relies on residential taxes, burdening families with nearly 88 percent of the load, while the commercial base contributes only around 12 percent. To achieve financial stability, we must diversify our revenue sources, lightening the tax load and encouraging local spending. Relying solely on this 12 percent from businesses risks underfunding essential services like police, fire departments, and public works. I am wholeheartedly committed to attracting new corporate partners for a brighter future in Westfield.

Tamm: Our people, our pride in our community and schools, and the investments we make to ensure Westfield is a great place to live are our greatest strengths. Westfield is lagging behind other cities in infrastructure. We have to diversify the tax base to be able to meet our public safety and road needs.

How would you describe Westfield’s financial health? Why would you describe it that way?


Lowry: Our city’s financial health is looking really good. There are some things that are dictated by the state, but we could do even better by diversifying our tax base to take some of the load off homeowners and share the burden with commercial development. Our financial health, in part, comes at the cost of our first responders – we need to take care of those who take care of us, and we are not doing that nearly as well as we could.

Tamm: We are in a fragile position due to our over-reliance on our residential tax base. We are behind in a comprehensive plan; economic development; infrastructure plans for roads; firefighter staffing levels; public safety compensation; and parks – to name a few. In particular, our community has been very ineffective and has poorly served the residents of Westfield in the last four years.

What should be the city’s role in supporting its senior citizen residents?

Lowry: Supporting our seniors is just the right thing to do. Many are on fixed incomes, some are disabled, and others lack nearby family support. It’s about showing respect and gratitude to those who’ve enriched our community. We need strong partnerships with organizations to help seniors comfortably stay in Westfield, their much-loved home. This includes crucial services like affordable housing, accessible transportation, healthcare resources, and the importance of a lively senior center, offering a warm and engaging community space for our elderly residents.

Tamm: We can enhance our city by investing in community parks, open spaces and trail systems while also fostering vibrant districts that appeal to all generations. By attracting innovative employers, we can retain and attract young residents – their children and grandchildren – to ensure Westfield’s continued prosperity and longevity.

How do you determine if a proposed development or redevelopment project in Westfield is something you would support?

Lowry: I wholeheartedly back projects that bring good jobs to our community, jobs that can put food on the table and provide for our families. I’m passionate about supporting our schools to ensure that every child here gets the chance they deserve to thrive. And when it comes to housing, I want my kids, just like yours, to have a real shot at making a life here in the city we love so much.

Tamm: My top priority for the new council is to revisit and update our city’s comprehensive plan. First, we need to have a plan of what industries we’re looking to attract. Then, we can look at where they will go. From there, we can work with businesses who want to come here and integrate into our great community of people – businesses who fully support Westfield’s identity, goals, and quality of life standards.

What do you most want voters to know about you?

Lowry: I am a lifelong Westfield resident and the only mom running for city council. Your well-being is my absolute priority. I am dedicated to representing your interests and building meaningful relationships. With the qualifications to effectively address our city’s challenges, my track record reflects a commitment to treating people with respect and kindness, even when we disagree. My deep love for Westfield fuels my vision for a place where not only my children but also the next generation can work, live and play.

Tamm: I am the only candidate in this district with the relevant experience and knowledge needed to lead Westfield into the future. I want to focus on growing a strong quality of life in Westfield that builds upon what we already have in place. Also in my vision is creating a more diversified tax base to lower taxes for residents. I intend to lead by being transparent and team oriented.

How can voters learn more about you?



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