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Family presents musical tribute to Harry Chapin 


Singer/songwriter Tom Chapin leads a family musical tribute to his late brother, Harry Chapin. (Photo courtesy of Tom Chapin)

Tom Chapin figured this was the perfect time to pay tribute to his late brother’s rich legacy of music.

The concert tour is billed as Chapin Family presents “Harry Chapin At 80: A Retrospective.” The concert is set for 8 p.m. Oct. 20 at the Center for the Performing Arts in Carmel.

Harry, who died in an automobile accident in 1981, would have turned 80 on Dec. 7, 2022

“We’ve been doing benefit concerts with Harry’s music over the years,” Tom said. “We realized Harry would be 80 and we’re all getting up there. It seemed like a good time to do concerts with the full family.”

Joining Tom, 78, is his brother Steve, 76, and members remaining from Harry Chapin’s original band, including bass player John Wallace and drummer Howie Fields. 

“John Wallace had the high voice in ‘Taxi’ and the low voice in ‘Mr. Tanner,’” Tom said. 

Additional performers include Tom’s daughters Abigail and Lily Chapin, who have their own act called the Chapin Sisters, and Harry’s daughter Jen Chapin with her trio.

“The concert becomes almost like a festival, singing mostly Harry’s songs,” Chapin said. “Everyone does one or two of their own.”

The concert will feature many of Harry’s most famous such as “Cat’s in the Cradle,” “Taxi,” “Circle” and “W.O.L.D.”

“He’s one of the greatest songwriters of our generation and not many people are playing his songs,” Tom said. “He had been a documentary filmmaker, so I think his writing reflects that of finding interesting stories and following the character. He, more than anyone, could do those story songs.”

Tom said people not as familiar with his brother’s music are being introduced to the depth of his material. 

“It’s kind of like a festival with four different entities performing his great songs,” Tom said. “It’s great fun.”

Tom said it’s been wonderful to perform with so many of his relatives and friends.

“The agent who called us said she likes to book us because the only thing selling is cover bands,” Chapin said. “This is the ultimate cover band.”

Tom said the tour has been hard to put together because everyone has their own lives. Tom said his daughters are mothers and also run a clothing store with his wife. Jen teaches social studies in New York City. 

Tom said they plan to play more dates in 2024 because it’s the 50th anniversary of “Cat’s in the Cradle” reaching No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100 in December 1974.

Tom has 27 albums and three Grammy Awards. Thirteen albums are focused on children’s music.

“It’s been a wonderful ride to do it and perform my own stuff,” Tom said. 

 Tom said Harry wrote “Circle” for his children’s TV show.

“So ‘Circle’ is a favorite of mine,” he said. “Mail Order Annie’ is a wonderful song. I remember ‘Remember the Music,’ that my daughters do. Harry’s best stuff is as good as anybody’s. It’s fun to revisit them. You don’t get tired of those songs.”

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