Current Publishing

Hamilton East Public Library board appoints new secretary, approves budget

Noblesville Public Library HEPL

The Hamilton East Public Library Board of Trustees voted unanimously Oct. 26 to appoint board member Michelle Payne as the new secretary, replacing Ray Maddalone, who resigned Oct. 5, the same day an advisory opinion was issued stating Maddalone and previous board president Laura Aldering violated the state’s Open Door Law.

The board also approved the library’s 2024 budget totaling $20,394,322 and replaced Craig Siebe with Andre Miksha as chair of the board’s finance committee.

Siebe is now a member of the library’s long-term planning committee.

The 2024 library budget consists of four funds: rainy day, general, lease rental payment and library improvement reserve. The general fund is the largest at $13,239,351.

Payne expressed concern about the cost of the controversial book collection policy, which is now on hold, and planned listening sessions.

“I will go ahead and say on the record that I think $45,000 to conduct these sessions is too much,” Payne said, referring to a proposal the board received from a facilitator. “I’m not convinced we need the sessions and I know we’re seeking additional quotes. However, to do it the right way, the way that some have said they want it done, that’s probably the price.”

Payne said she wants the board to revisit the book collection policy and make decisions on it by the end of the year to start 2024 fresh.

Also in the President’s Report, Board President Tiffanie Ditlevson reported that the board completed a training Oct. 16, which included Open Door Law training, a board assessment and a review of board members’ roles and responsibilities.

Ditlevson also said she foresees appointing an ad hoc committee to help review and adopt policies for the board.

The next HEPL Board of Trustees meeting will be at 6:15 p.m. Nov. 16 at the Fishers Library, 5 Municipal Dr.

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