As a former Carmel school board member, I had the privilege of serving on the Carmel Clay Parks and Recreation board with Rich Taylor. His service on the parks board in several capacities has always been selfless and collaborative. He currently serves as parks board president and continues the fine work of making parks and recreation available at low cost to our community. Through this work, Rich has developed the skills needed to oversee city budgets, work with constituents to meet the needs of the community and to clearly communicate the vision and long-term plans for the city of Carmel.
What I seek in a city councilor is the ability to communicate, collaborate and make wise decisions that affect our community. I also want a city council that is transparent and of highest integrity. Rich Taylor is my choice for councilor at-large in the upcoming election. He is caring, honest and approachable. His commitment to serving our community makes him an awesome choice for city council. He will ensure the growth and prosperity of our city.
Please join me in supporting Rich Taylor for Carmel City Council.
Kathie Freed, Carmel