Current Publishing

Letter: Lowry: Thanks to District 4 supporters

CIW COM 1010 QA District 4 Lowry


{Editor’s note: Alexis Lowry was the Democratic candidate for the District 4 Westfield City Council race)


Just 23 votes. As we reflect on the recent election results, I want to take a moment to express my sincere gratitude for your support and unwavering commitment throughout this campaign. Your belief in our shared vision has been a driving force, and for that, I am truly grateful.

Just 23 votes kept us from making history in Westfield. While the outcome may not have been what we hoped for, it’s important to see this moment as a steppingstone, not a stumbling block. Our journey together is far from over, and the setbacks we face today only fuel my determination to create positive change in Westfield.

I want to apologize if I fell short of your expectations. It’s a humbling experience, but it also strengthens my resolve to work harder, be more diligent and strive for excellence. The challenges we encounter are opportunities for growth and improvement, and I am committed to learning from them.

Westfield has always been my home, and the love I have for this city is unwavering. I promise, I will never give up on our community or the ideals that inspired me to enter this political arena. Together, we have already sparked a movement for change, and that energy will continue to drive me forward.

Your voices matter, your concerns matter and your dreams for our city matter. Let’s channel our disappointment into renewed determination. I am here for you, and I am here for Westfield. Together, we can overcome any obstacle and create a brighter, more inclusive future for our community.

Thank you for being part of this incredible journey. Let’s keep moving forward because our shared vision is worth every effort.

With gratitude and determination.

Alexis Lowry, Westfield

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