Current Publishing

Letter: Park impact fees: consider what’s legal and what’s right

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As an avid user of the Carmel parks system, I read with interest the article on Page 3 in the Nov. 21 Current in Carmel. It appears that $13 million in park impact fees have been diverted from Carmel Clay Parks & Recreation in the past 10 years and used by the Carmel Redevelopment Commission for other projects, some of which have gone to new park areas, some of which have not. Mayor Jim Brainard states the handling of the waived fees has been legal.

With all due respect to the mayor, I believe there is a big difference between what is legal and what is right. CCPR is being deprived of the funds they need to maintain and improve the parks system.

Therefore, I would like to see the $13 million restored to CCPR so they can begin the process of developing their two newest parks. And perhaps CCPR could purchase additional park land in the city before it is all developed. I think most Carmel residents would applaud efforts to provide additional green spaces in our city.

Please support the CCPR board in its resolution urging city leaders to ensure park impact fees are used for CCPR projects.

Wendy Melemed, Carmel

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