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OneZone prioritizes childcare, workforce development

CIF Business local 0324 OneZone MugofRussell

Jack Russell

OneZone Chamber of Commerce officials have announced child care and workforce development as the top priorities they would like local lawmakers to address during the upcoming legislative session.

OneZone will focus on policies and incentives that encourage attracting, training and retaining talented employees.

“OneZone believes while the labor market remains robust, the number of qualified workforce participants continues to dwindle, with job vacancies causing problems for industries across the board,” the announcement stated. “It is critical that Indiana allows businesses to remain competitive and, thus, spurring growth in existing and future economic development.’

The announcement stated the chamber would support policies to encourage quality of place and infrastructure investments, reduce regulations and maintain Indiana’s business-friendly tax system.

“Workforce plays an important role as we look to attract talent, not just in neighboring states but across the country,” OneZone President and CEO Jack Russell stated. “We will continue to be a voice for businesses to help attract and retain talent.”

OneZone also will focus on increased access to childcare and pre-kindergarten programs, including regulatory change to decrease burdens on facilities providing those services.

“Quality child care and pre-kindergarten programs are essential to grow our future talent pipeline and promote a strong educational foundation before starting a formal K-12 education,” the announcement stated. “In addition, quality programming for children allows parents to have the ability to participate in the workforce, have financial stability and even continue furthering their own education.”

OneZone’s January, February and March Eggs & Issues presentations will feature state legislators addressing those topics and more, according to the announcement. The first legislative Eggs & Issues is scheduled for 8 a.m. Jan. 12 at The Bridgewater Club, 3535 E. 161st St., Carmel.

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