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Letter: Let’s keep nature natural

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I have spoken to and heard from many Carmel residents about their concern and disgust with the destruction of the few forested areas that are left in Carmel for more development of apartments, retail space and offices. It is just too much!

It’s not too early to contact the incoming mayor, Sue Finkam, to share your concerns. As residents, you can also contact your city council representative, the Carmel Plan Commission, Carmel Redevelopment Commission and the Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals.

As we have a few new people that will begin their role with the city, be sure they know what you want to see happen. The growth has exploded at the cost of losing trees and wildlife. It needs to slow down. Tell them to use impact fees for parks and not redirect that money to other projects. Many Carmel residents want more parks, meaning ungroomed and unmanicured with large, mature trees and trails to enjoy a walk.

Meetings are held at least once a month for the city council, plan commission, redevelopment commission and BZA. The public can attend and speak at most of the meetings. Let the council, board members and committee members know what you want to see. Don’t be a bystander! Enough is enough. Let’s keep nature natural.

Nancy Tatum, Carmel

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