Current Publishing

Column: Finding ways to spark creative juices


Randy Sorrell’s recently completed creative burst an oil on gallery canvas titled “What The World Needs Now” (Photo courtesy of Randy Sorrell)

Feeling down, low on energy and having a lack of enthusiasm? Maybe it’s time to “Get your creative on!” Think about it. When your creative juices are flowing, how do you feel? Pretty jazzed with a hint of irrational exuberance!

So, how do you make that happen? Incredibly unscientific studies (me asking a few buddies over a cocktail at Adagio) show there are a variety of techniques to fuel your creative juices.

Here’s a few personally commissioned gizmos to drive creativity:

•Loud music! Coldplay, Chris Stapleton and U2 work for me. What about you?

•A cocktail or a glass of wine (it gets amateurish after one).

•An intense workout or a sunny mountain/beach/woodsy walk.

Well, of course, you feel better and more creative after those activities Randy! Don’t we all? Apparently not.

Here’s a few TED talk, scientifically supported ways to heighten creativity:

•Unlock your attitude of gratitude. Make a list!

•Space for grace. Meaning, find some down time. Creativity requires moments not consumed by … consuming.

•Unplug!! Put down the phone, set aside the laptop, TV off. Breathe. Smile.

•Find some exercise, mindfulness, a good night’s sleep and solitude (yeah, right?).

As a recently retired lifelong entrepreneur and now artist/philanthropist/husband/father/g-pa dude — being creative with a respectful sense of enthusiasm has fueled my lifestyle.

In reality, these are all tools I intentionally practice regularly to drive creativity and make progress on paintings or a nonprofit pitch. In fact, I’m writing this article in my art studio surrounded by canvases of creativity.

I’m genuinely curious, do you have a creative outlet? Play the piano, write poetry, photography, sketch? Email me at with your passions, with samples.

Give yourself a Christmas present and a 2024 life boost and discover your tools to “Get your creative on!”

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