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Westfield City Council holds final meeting before new council members take office

CIW 0109 COM FinalCityCouncil

Council members Troy Patton, Jake Gilbert, Mike Johns, Scott Frei, Cindy Spojaric, Victor McCarty and Scott Willis following the final meeting of this city council. (Photo by Amy Adams)

The Westfield city council members elected in 2019 met for the final time Dec. 27, 2023. Although not a lot of business was accomplished given the lack of city employees present to answer questions, council members ended the meeting expressing gratitude for the experience of serving the city together for the past four years. 

Here are highlights of final public comments from council members:

What happened? Without city staff present to answer the questions of council members, a motion was made to accept the claims docket without two vehicles on it.

What it means? Willis said that the vehicles purchased for incoming staff members should not have come out of general obligation bond funding. 

What’s next? Although Patton and Frei expressed disappointment that public funds would be used to purchase vehicles for city staff, Willis said that the vehicles would come back to the new council in January for approval from normal city funding rather than a GO bond.

What happened? Council members voted unanimously to deny a resolution to have the clerk-treasurer encumber funds requested by certain departments of the city.

What it means? At the end of a budgeting period, it is normal for departments to request that budgeted funds that were unused be reserved for the originally designated intention the following year so that they don’t revert back to general spending. Because no city employees were available to answer the questions of council members, the encumbrances weren’t approved.

What’s next? Funds requested by departments will have to be resubmitted to the next city council.

What happened? The council unanimously approved a resolution to request the Indiana State Board of Accounts conduct cash basis audits of 2021, 2022 and 2023, with an amendment that bids would be sought from at least three accounting firms.

What it means? The audits are being requested to secure a Standard & Poor’s AAA bond rating.

What’s next? Bids will be received from accounting firms to perform the audit in the spring.

What happened? An ordinance to annex the Shear property at 1510 E. 216th St. was presented to the council.

What it means? This property straddles the border between Washington and Adams townships and could encounter push back from the cities of Cicero and Sheridan.

What’s next? According to the schedule, the ordinance should be open for public hearing at the Jan. 8 council meeting. The council will consider adoption at the Jan. 29 meeting.

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