Current Publishing

Westfield City Council elects leaders, considers annexation

CIW 011624 COM CityCouncil

CIW-0116-COM-CityCouncil: Council members meet for the first meeting of 2024. (Photo by Amy Adams)

The new Westfield City Council met for the first time Jan. 8 at City Hall. By a unanimous vote, the council elected Patrick Tamm as council president and Jon Dartt as vice president.

Technically, in a class 3 city, the mayor runs the council meetings. As has been tradition in Westfield, Willis turned that responsibility over to the newly elected president. 

What happened? Tamm announced that the council will be adding public comments to the agenda for each council meeting going forward. 

What does it mean? Anyone who wishes to address the council regarding any topic not on the agenda may do so at the beginning of each meeting according to posted guidelines. To find guidelines, go to

What happened? The council held a public hearing regarding the annexation of property at 1510 E 216th St. Three people spoke asking the council to take various information under advisement in making their decision.

What does it mean? The annexation has been requested by the land owner, Shear Property Group. According to Willis, approximately three-fifths of the property lies within Adams Township, and the other two-fifths lies within Washington Township.

What’s next? The council will vote on the ordinance of annexation at the next meeting.

The council also approved appointments to boards and commissions made by the council and the mayor and heard new business including ordinances to create the position of deputy mayor, to establish a Department of Parks and Recreation and Board and to amend the 2024 Non-elected Salary Ordinance.

The next council meeting will be held at 7 p.m. Jan. 29 at City Hall at 130 Penn St. 

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