Current Publishing

Relocated functional medicine family practice opens wellness spa

CIC HEALTH 0116 Becoming You Swathi


For owner Swathi Rao, her new wellness spa has been her dream.

Be Well Family Care, a functional medicine family practice, recently opened Becoming You Wellness Spa inside its facility at 12430 N. Clark St. in Carmel. Be Well Family Care was previously in a smaller location in Carmel for six years before building the new 10,000-square foot facility.

“We are excited to now be in a space that allows us to offer more services and see more patients,” said Rao, a Carmel resident. “It has always been a dream to provide truly holistic care where people can feel that they are having services done that are clean and organic but also help to optimize wellness, beauty and relaxation. Becoming You came to be very organically.”

Rao said she believes IV therapy will be the most popular offering.

“IV therapy offers hydration and replacement of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other essential elements and are immediately available to body tissues and do not go through metabolism in the stomach or GI tract, pushing nutrients into cells where they can be readily used,” she said,

Rao said organic facials are an incredible way for clients to pamper themselves.

“Each is individually customized to enhance, nourish and restore your skin using the highest quality, very clean products,” she said. “Finally, our muscle-toning and body-sculpting services use the latest technology to help people look and feel their very best. We attract patients that work very hard to have optimal health and are always looking for better strength and better functionality so we think this service will be very popular. We stress to our patients that strong is the new beautiful.”

Rao said she is proud of how the new approach aligns with her practice.

“For the last 20 years, we have been telling our patients that they have to eat well, sleep well, move well and stress well,” Rao said. “We feel like this is an extension of those things that we can offer to our patients and non-patients. We are very proud that we can offer ways that people can achieve those goals in a natural, organic, fully thought-out environment. To learn to eat well, we offer classes in our teaching kitchen. For move well, we offer body sculpting and our group visits. For sleep well, we offer IV nourishment and sauna time, and for stress well, we offer relaxing facials and energy modalities to help you to relax.”

Rao said the facility has six health care providers, two estheticians and 17 other staff members.

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