Current Publishing

Massillamany, Maki elected Hamilton County Council president, vice president


From left, Amy Massillamany and Sue Maki

Amy Massillamany and Sue Maki were recently elected president and vice president, respectively, of the Hamilton County Council. The occasion marked the first time in the council’s history that two women were elected to the roles.


“It’s an honor to serve alongside Sue, making history for our council,” Massillamany stated. “Thank you to the council for entrusting us to lead, charting a course where diversity in leadership is not just celebrated but woven into the fabric of progress.”

Massillamany was elected to the council in 2011 and represents District 2, which includes Delaware and Fall Creek townships. She works in professional services and is a senior director at RGP, a consulting firm specializing in finance, accounting, governance, risk and compliance, information management, human capital and corporate advisory.


Maki was elected to the council in 2020 as an at-large member. She served as manager of environmental initiatives and education for Carmel Utilities for 15 years. She retired in June 2021 to devote more time to the county council.

“I am looking forward to working with President Massillamany to continue improvements in communication and collaboration with the commissioners and other government entities,” Maki stated.

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