Current Publishing

Zionsville Plan Commission revisits Bradley Ridge PUD, conditionally approves retail building

The Zionsville Plan Commission met Jan. 16 at Town Hall and revisited items, including the Bradley Ridge Planned Unit Development, and introduced new projects.

Henke Development has requested the rezoning of 349-plus acres of land — nine parcels — north of C.R. 200 and south of C.R. 100 S. The rezoning was revisited during the Oct. 16, 2023, meeting and discussion has been on hold since.

The petition involves multiple parcels between U.S. 421 and C.R. 950 E. Henke Development seeks to rezone the area for a $700 million-plus planned unit development, Bradley Ridge, to allow for a mixed-use project of primarily single-family residential housing with areas for cultural/entertainment uses and recreational uses included.

Matt Price spoke on behalf of Henke Development and said the development group met with Save Rural Zionsville on Dec. 22, 2023, to provide revisions to the PUD and answers to their questions.

Along with follow-up questions that are still pending with Save Rural Zionsville, the staff notes on the project raise questions about the project’s sanitary sewer service.

“We feel like the only way to be able to respond more fully to that is to meet with the staff and perhaps other parties that we do not control in order to flush that issue out further,” Price said.

The project has had six continuances, and plan commission member Chris Lake recommended continuing the discussion during the March 18 meeting. Once the commission hears the issues in March, the plan commission will make a vote.

“At this point in time, with the number of continuances we’ve had, I think we’d like to say move it to the March meeting and at that point either hear it or withdraw it and move on from there,” Lake said.

The matter will be discussed at the March 18 plan commission meeting.

Location map for a single-tenant, retail building with the proposed use being a liquor store. (Map provided by Indy Holdings, LLC)

The plan commission was also presented with a development plan for a 6,500-plus-square-foot retail building in the rural general business district and within the rural Michigan Road overlay.

The development at 3251 S. U.S. Highway 421 in Zionsville proposes constructing a single-tenant retail building with the proposed use being a liquor store, which is a permitted use in the zoning classification.

The request also included two waivers for architectural design and building materials.

The plan commission approved the request for the two waivers with the condition that the roof pitch over the entry of the building match either the nearby gas station or the main Appaloosa Crossing retail building.

The development plan was also conditionally approved, subject to outstanding review items, including pole and wall pack lighting.

The next plan commission meeting is set for 6:30 p.m. Feb. 20 at Town Hall.

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