Current Publishing

Hoosier Road Elementary School employee arrested for bringing firearm to school

A food services staff member at Hoosier Road Elementary School was arrested March 5 for allegedly bringing a concealed firearm onto school property.

Fishers Police Department charged Jovara Ofoia, 22. Police stressed that no students were involved and there was never any threat to safety. 


“Swift action was taken, with School Resource Officers promptly responding to the school to secure the firearm,” FPD announced. “The individual in question was taken into custody without incident by the Fishers Police Department.”

According to police, Ofoia told a witness she had a handgun in her purse and not to tell anyone because she knew it was a felony. Officers found the gun in Ofia’s purse in her unsecured office. She allegedly told officers she had the gun because she works at an Indianapolis restaurant that was “shot up” over the weekend and she was afraid.

“This incident is another reminder of the importance of our ‘See Something, Say Something’ culture. We urge anyone who notices any potentially unsafe situation to report it promptly to law enforcement,” the announcement stated. “Furthermore, according to Indiana State Law and (Hamilton Southeastern Schools) Board Policy, it’s crucial to note that firearms are strictly prohibited in school buildings.”

In response to a request for comment, HSE Schools reiterated the prohibition on guns in school buildings. 

“We extend our appreciation to our diligent School Resource Officers and to those who promptly reported the situation,” a district announcement stated.


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