Current Publishing

Grand Park welcomed 1.1M in 2023

grand park lot J

A portion of Lot J in Grand Park that is gravel will be upgraded to asphalt in 2024. (Photo by Marney Simon)

Westfield’s Grand Park had a successful year for hosting events and visitors in 2023.

The Redevelopment Commission reviewed the year-end report for the sports complex during its March 18 meeting.

Officials said the year-end data surpassed the 2022 numbers, with a total of 1.1 million visitors in 2023, including 211,578 athletes.

Fourth-quarter revenues were up 3.15 percent from the same time period in 2023 at $1.5 million, with expenses at $1.1 million, a 44 percent decrease from the previous year.

Overall, revenues in 2023 at Grand Park totaled $6.7 million, with expenses of $4.9 million.

Grand Park operation officials said the park and the city continue to evaluate both the financial numbers and the numbers of visitors to see how the city can attract more visitors to Grand Park, while also bringing those visitors to other parts of the city to shop, stay and eat.

In operations, visitor parking ratings were poor for Lot J. City officials said the gravel parking area in Lot J, which covers the eastern portion of the lot and is used as overflow parking, is currently in the process of being replaced with a solid asphalt surface, with completion expected in early May.

“Most of our capital needs are repairs, painting. Our common theme if you go out there is that you’re seeing trusses go up and we’re improving signage,” said Blake Hibler with Bullpen Tournaments. “We’re trying to improve the fan experience. We’ve got to redo these fences, we’ve got to paint the facility, we’ve got to clean up. We’ve been doing regular maintenance (but) we need a deep power cleaning of all the brick (and) concrete.”

Total Grand Park rental revenue in 2023 was $3.4 million, and Grand Park received $200,666 in sponsorship revenue. Sponsors include Sundown Gardens, Clay Terrace, Visit Hamilton County, GrindStone on the Monon, Pepsi, Westfield Outdoors, Pacers Athletic Center and Westfork Whisky Company.

The full report can be viewed at

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