Current Publishing

Yocum to face District 88 incumbent Jeter in general election


Democrat Stephanie Jo Yocum faces Republican incumbent Chris Jeter for the District 88 seat in the general election.

Stephanie Jo Yocum won the Democratic primary election May 7, securing her party’s nomination for the Indiana House District 88 general election. 

At deadline, Yocum was ahead by 60 percent or more over her primary opponent, Starr Joy Hairston, throughout the district.

In the Nov. 5 election, Yocum faces Republican incumbent Chris Jeter of Fishers, who was unopposed in the primary. 

In a telephone interview May 7, Yocum said her day started at around 3:30 a.m. She dropped signs off at various polling places, noting that there are quite a few in the large district, which includes portions of Hamilton, Hancock, Madison and Marion counties.

“Then I have just sort of been bouncing around to different polling locations so I can interact and talk with voters, check on volunteers, bring volunteers snacks and water and all that good stuff,” she said. 

Yocum said voters seemed engaged and expressed concern about a variety of issues, such as local control and the cost of living. 

“(I’m) hearing a lot of concern around women’s rights and reproductive rights, a lot of concern around safety and guns,” she said. “(People are) definitely concerned about property taxes and gas tax increases and health care costs — costs in general. Wages aren’t keeping up with inflation. So, not a shortage of concerns that I’m hearing today.”

Yocum said that, moving forward toward the general election, she plans to continue engaging with residents. She said the role of an elected representative is to understand the community’s priorities and she wants to hear from voters. 

Jeter won reelection to the District 88 seat in 2022 with about 60 percent of the votes cast. 


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