Current Publishing

Column: Cool ways to get creative


Randy Sorrell’s Carmel Skyline’s gallery canvas oil painting. (Photo courtesy of Randy Sorrell)

Ever wonder how cool people who excel at music, theater or art “get their creative on?”

Rob Ryndak, a signed recording artist, composer, educator and Carmel resident, offers a unique coaching perspective to “getting your creative on.” Don’t panic or despair. Don’t rush the process and develop self-patience to work through it. Ryndak said “the greater the passion, the greater the resistance”.

When teaching at Meridian Music School, he appreciates that it’s more than teaching how to play an instrument. It’s creativity, self-awareness, discipline, embracing open mindedness and being less self-critical. With his seventh jazz CD released April 25, Ryndak knows what it takes to create!

So, what does Ryndak do to stay fresh? He meditates twice a day, slows down, eliminates distractions, walks in nature, picks up another instrument and simply walks away for a while.

Fellow artist and Carmel resident Ranj Puthran (the dude can sketch!), reduces tension, fills himself with positive vibes and switches his music jams when he needs a creative burst. Carmel musician and cool dude Don Keegan of The Hippie Dream likes to get out in nature to clear his mind or jump on the bike. “Lots of inspiration out there,” he said, especially when jamming with other band members.

“Carmel Skyline” was inspired by a burst of “getting my creative on” after grazing ourselves through Carmel. Launched at Adagio for the 4 p.m. champagne toast to the Great American Songbook, appetizers at Anthony’s with a blast of a finish at the Palladium. “Carmel Skyline” and 30-plus other Randy Sorrell originals will be featured at the May 16 Platinum Living Fine Arts Gallery exhibit in Carmel, along with several European artists and jewelry by THE KASCollection. RSVP at 317-627-9800.

It does seem like creative people are more entertaining to be around, doesn’t it? Let me know your strategies to get creative at

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