Current Publishing

Emergency-use Narcan box installed at Carmel’s Trinity Free Clinic

CIC HEALTH 0521 TFC Narcan

Molly Kracht pauses near the emergency-use Narcan box recently installed at Trinity Free Clinic. (Photo courtesy of Trinity Free Clinic)

An emergency-use Narcan box was installed outside of Trinity Free Clinic, 1045 W. 146th St., in Carmel, April 18 and is available to the public 24/7 to help those dealing with the effects of a drug overdose.

Provided through a grant from Overdose Lifeline, a nonprofit dedicated to helping those with substance abuse disorders, Butler PharmD student Molly Kracht, who works at the clinic, applied for the box.

“Drug overdose is the leading cause of accidental death in the United States and has impacted so many families. This crisis does not discriminate, and I want people to be prepared if they are ever in a situation where they could save someone’s life from an opioid overdose,” Kracht said.

The clinic stocks up to 30 doses of Naloxone nasal spray with instruction pamphlets in English and Spanish. One dose can quickly reverse an overdose from oxycodone, hydrocodone, heroin and fentanyl and doesn’t affect those without opioids in their system.

“This is something that I feel everyone should know how to use,” TFC Deputy Director Cindy Loe said. “Much like knowing CPR, we can save a life by carrying a dose and knowing how to use it.”

While Narcan is available at local pharmacies, the TFC team recognizes drug overdose as the number one reason for accidental death in the United States and is passionate about everyone having access to the treatment.

“Having the NaloxBox outside of Trinity Free Clinic allows 24/7 access to free Narcan for anyone to pick up. This helps break down barriers and gives our community the ability to save lives,” Kracht said. “I believe everyone should carry Narcan, because you never know who might need it.”

She encourages the public to look for signs of overdose: slowed breathing, choking, unconsciousness, small pinpoint pupils and blue skin.

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