Current Publishing

Westfield High School educator is teacher of the year

Westfield High School Spanish teacher Jen Hasler-Troutman has been selected by the Indiana Chapter of the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese as its 2024 Indiana Teacher of the Year in the high school category.

Hasler-Troutman has been in education for more than two decades.


“Hasler-Troutman really deserves this renowned state award,” stated Israel Fernando Herrera, chair of the AATSP Indiana Recognition and Distinction Committee. “Her 26-year strong dedication and passion for teaching Spanish, her distinguished presentations, her impressive service and her deep involvement with students’ success and advancement were evident in her dossier.”

Hasler-Troutman will represent AATSP Indiana in the Indiana Foreign Language Teachers Association Conference Nov. 9-10 in Indianapolis, with the potential to be named 2024 Indiana Foreign Language Teacher of the Year, vying with the Teachers of the Year in five other languages.

Selected teachers have the opportunity to represent their schools for the state of Indiana in the 2026 Central States Teacher of the Year, the Central States award and the 2026 ACTFL National Teacher of the Year award.

For more, visit the Indiana Foreign Language Teachers Association Conference at

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