Current Publishing

Lawrence Fire Department to partner with Ivy Tech

CIG COM BOWIvyTech 062524

City of Lawrence Fire Department personnel can act as preceptors for paramedic and EMT students at Ivy Tech. (Photo courtesy of the City of Lawrence)

The City of Lawrence has entered into an agreement with Ivy Tech, which has a campus in Lawrence, to provide preceptor services for students interested in becoming paramedics or EMTs.

The city’s Board of Public Works and Safety unanimously approved an affiliation agreement during its regular June 13 meeting.

Prior to the vote, Lawrence Fire Department Chief Bob Wallace explained that students in Ivy Tech’s paramedic and EMT programs now go to Decatur Township or Plainfield for their work-based experiences. Once implemented, it would be the first preceptor program on Indianapolis’ east side.

Wallace added that fire department personnel acting as preceptors would be volunteers.

“We wouldn’t force anybody into precepting students if they don’t want to and obviously the students can select the site they want to go to,” he said. “This helps us in the aspect — even though there’s no monetary help with this — we get to see students that are coming out of Ivy Tech and maybe future employees. We can see who works out, who’s doing a really good job.”

Wallace said the program likely wouldn’t start until December.

In other matters, the board approved a request to declare some Lawrence Police Department equipment surplus and allow for its disposal. LPD Chief Curtis Bigsby told the board that the items include a 36-year-old truck, other vehicles that are beyond their useful life and outdated equipment found while cleaning up the gun range.

The next Board of Works meeting is scheduled for 5 p.m. June 27 at Lawrence Government Center, 9001 E. 59th St. All Lawrence government meetings are livestreamed on the city’s Facebook page,

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