Current Publishing

Column: Thank you, readers

AA 0818 Don Knebel

Don Knebel in Rural India (Photo by Jen Knebel)

Because Current is making some content changes to its newspapers, this will be my last column that you can read here. But it will not be the last column about my travels.  Beginning June 25, you will be able to find them every week on my website, I will also continue to post my columns on Facebook. So, you will be able to continue reading about my trip to Egypt, my most recent trip to Vietnam and Cambodia and the upcoming trips to new places that I have in mind.

My first column in Current was published on Feb. 22, 2012. The subject was international toilets, a subject I promised never to write about again. In the 585 columns since, I have written about my visits to 40 countries, 22 states and the District of Columbia. I have kept that promise. But in 2015, I published “Flushed with Curiosity,” a so-called “toilet book’ that included 101 of my best early columns. You can still find that small book on at more than twice its original price. The only review (which I did not write and don’t know who did) describes it as the “best toilet book you will ever own.” I doubt that.

Over the now more than 13 years I have written this column, some of you have stopped me on the street to tell me that you enjoy reading it. Some of you have asked me to speak to your groups about travel and related topics. Some of you have told me you use my columns to create your own “bucket list” or itineraries for your own travels. That has been a great treat for me, knowing not only that my columns are being read but they that they are being appreciated. Thank you.

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