Current Publishing

Westfield promotes Active People, Healthy Hamilton County

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Westfield City Council President Patrick Tamm, left, presented a proclamation in support of the Active People, Healthy Hamilton County initiative to April Williams, executive director of Friends of Hamilton Parks Foundation and Westfield resident Thomas McLean. (Photo by Marney Simon)

The City of Westfield will submit a grant application to Friends of Hamilton Parks Foundation seeking funds for projects that promote active, healthy lifestyles and outdoor recreation.

On May 28, the City of Westfield issued a proclamation supporting Active People, Healthy Hamilton County strategies by teaming up with Friends of Hamilton County Parks Foundation to submit a project that meets the criteria of those strategies.

“We are just thrilled that Westfield has made this a priority and joined us in the Active People, Healthy Hamilton County initiative,” said April Williams, executive director of Friends of Hamilton Parks Foundation. “We are really looking forward to the project that Mayor (Scott) Willis and his team will submit.”

Active People, Healthy Hamilton County is the local initiative of the Active People, Healthy Nation program, the national initiative by The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention intended to help 27 million Americans become more physically active by 2027

The grant program is intended to promote healthy lifestyles by implementing one or more of seven evidence-based strategies recommended by CDC to increase physical activity across sectors and settings. Those strategies include building walkable communities, enacting significant policy, systems and environmental changes needed to support residents seeking to make healthier choices and reducing barriers for people of color to access safe public spaces to stay physically active.

Thomas McLean, a resident of Westfield, is also participating in the initiative.

“I’m excited about being a part of this entire endeavor. I think it’s important to get people out and get people active in our community,” McLean said.

The city will submit their proposal by Aug. 1. Proposals will be reviewed and voted on by a panel of The Friends of Hamilton County and select outside experts.

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