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Westfield to join case against Duke Energy rate hike

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The City of Westfield will seek permission to participate in the case from the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission in response to Duke Energy’s proposed rate increase.

Duke Energy has submitted a rate request to Indiana utility regulators, seeking an overall 16 percent tiered increase. The case was filed April 4 with the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission and reflects an overall average bill increase of approximately 12 percent in 2025 and an additional 4 percent in 2026.

If approved, the increase would vary among consumers depending on the cost to serve different types of customers, such as residential and business. The total monthly impact of the combined increases for a residential customer using 1,000 kilowatt-hours a month would be about $27.63, according to Duke Energy.

In April, Mayor Scott Willis released a statement urging Duke Energy to explore alternative solutions that prioritize the well-being of Westfield residents. He also cited a rate increase of $146 million given to Duke in June 2020.

Willis encourages residents to provide written comments to the Office of Utility Consumer Counselor. Those comments will be accepted through July 5.

The City of Westfield will work closely with legal counsel to prepare a comprehensive case for the IURC review, according to a press release. The city has engaged energy attorneys at Bose, McKinney, and Evans, LLC, to represent the city. There are currently 11 intervenors in the rate case including environmental groups, small and large business customers, Citizens Action Coalition, and the OUCC. Updates will be communicated through official City channels.

For more information and to submit comments, visit the Indiana Office of Utility Consumer Counselor Duke Energy Rate Case.

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