Current Publishing

Snapshot: Westfield founders come to life

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Members of the Westfield community came to Westfield City Hall June 18 for a presentation on the city’s founders, hosted by the Westfield Washington Historical Society and Museum. Players from Main Street Productions/Basile Westfield Playhouse brought to life forefathers Simon and Hannah Moon, Asa and Susannah Bales and Ambrose and Elizabeth Osbourne for the 25 residents who attended the presentation. The performances highlighted the arrival of settlers to Westfield in 1832, the town’s early development of streets, businesses and homes and Westfield's Quaker roots. In the roles of the Osbournes were Jennifer Arthur and Kevin Shadle. The Westfield Washington Historical Society and Museum will hold its next program, a tour of Union Bible College and Academy, at 7 p.m. Aug. 27. For more, visit (Photo by Marney Simon)

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